Fuck off

Like many people, I have always been bullied, but this year it was far more extreme then anything I’ve ever faced before.  In my case, the individual’s (Plural) behavior towards me was far over the line, it was basically criminal in nature. Going to HR was pointless...They would pretend to listen and make it seem as if they were siding with me. But unknowingly allowed that behavior to go on, to just contribute to “bullying,”  which just proved that they sided to wanting to break me. After reporting all of this to the employee hotline and the boss of the entire facility, these same people looked right at me and said, “you didn’t do anything wrong, to trust the process.” Let me make one thing clear! No one should ever be happy with or ever welcome behavior like what was done to me. More importantly allow this to happen to another person to “bully” and “break” them crosses all lines, which no one has the right to cross, but unfortunately, it happens all the time. Like most, I was branded as “troublemaker, it is all her fault, she caused it all,”  “She’s the one that lied “these were all the assholes (plural) defense, which sadly has happened before to other innocent former employees....This happens all the time to people. If you have to hurt other people in order to feel powerful, then you’re an extremely weak individual! No person or job is worth your mental health! You cannot be in leadership and be nasty to your subordinates and expect to be respected because of your title! It doesn’t work like that. 

Popular myth says that bullies only attack weak people. In the workplace the opposite is true. Workplace bullies selectively target people who are competent, people they see as threats to themselves. The purpose of a bully’s attack is to drive a competent person away. For adults, we are told to “ignore, let it roll off, move on, let it go, be the better person rise above it,” it is a complete failure, that has made matters worse, and enabled people with emotional issues to harm other people.  We need to be a comprehensive adults and fight back and support anti bullying and prevention in the work place. There needs to be a law passed that holds people to account for bullying and those who allow or foster an environment that allows for bullying. The root of cause of bullying is emotional problems of individuals who behave like this. We need to address mental health and be honest about it. Especially in a fucken workplace! The things I’d like to say to those assholes, “if they ever read this”; fuck all of you! You weren’t anything! Your titles aren’t shit! The company you work for is shit! Remember one thing; wat u aan ander doen wat onskuldig is, sal na u terugkeer! That will be karma knocking...fuck all you fuckers!


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